About the Artist Family Garden..Pets…and Cooking Fiascos!
Here are last year’s vegetable beds…
With last year’s harvest, I tried more carrot recipes than one would think possible – carrot breads, carrot muffins, carrot quiche, carrot souffle, carrot juice – even carrot and lentil curry! I did not make ANY corn dishes, solely because the gopher got to eat ALL THE CORN! I did steal one premature ear of corn just as he was pulling it down the hole! The horseshoe shown below is the horseshoe we found in the garden – apparently it was lucky for the gopher!
-And here are the beds as they exist today – including two new raised beds! The large green plants you see are celery, waiting to be harvested – YUM! Such fun, such anticipation 🙂
There will be grapes and corn in the narrow bed closest to us; cheery sunflowers in the backside of the longest bed with all sorts of peppers, carrots, spinach, kale, swiss chard, and tomotoes in the long bed (still choosing tomato varieties – I better hurry!); the continuation of celery and artichoke, as well as zuccini, eggplant, and a few other things in the middle bed; and at the bed at the far end will be berries, berries and more berries – blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries! YUM!
Lest you think we are only planting veggies and berries, we have some young fruit trees too, for which we have big dreams:
Here is photo of one of our young trees we planted our big Leonberger decided it was a chewtoy, so that was the end of that – but we keep it in the ground, just in case it revives….
-and our most unusal crop 🙂