Greetings! The Amazon gremlin has been at it again – for those of you seeking the current links to purchase my children’s books, here they are, and THANK YOU again for supporting my work:
As always, the books you buy on Amazon are not signed personally by me, but instead are shipped directly to you by the seller (not me).
I’m always happy to sign books for you! If you would like for me to sign books (and write a personal note to someone), I’ll be happy to do that, please contact me for details. The process entails your shipping your book(s) to me, in a box with the following things: (1) a legible note to me giving me the name(s) you want on the books and something about each person (helps me write the personal notes); and (2) everything I will need to ship the book back to you (i.e., postage pre-paid packaging addressed to you). Please make sure you give me enough time! Especially in the holiday season!