Artimagination® Inspiration Books

I created the Artimagination® Inspiration Books to be intriguing, engaging and inspiring visual and written treats.  I am so pleased that nearly every week at least one of these books sells!  Hurray!  It means so much to me to be able to share my art and writing!

Each book is a collection of carefully assembled and paired artworks and writings, and is intended to be a great personal read or a gift for someone you care about.  Even though we are each unique in mind and heart, there is so much we share! I created these books to share that human experience that binds us.

Here are a few of the Artimagination® Inspiration Books:

High Spirits!” is the most recent of the Artimagination® Inspiration Books series. “High Spirits!” was created to be an inspiring and delightful quick read, blending inspirational wisdoms with colorful art.   I’m happy to share that “High Spirits!” has been licensed for an upcoming cell phone app!  More on that soon!  High Spirits! makes a great gift for anyone pursuing their dreams or thinking about taking an entrepreneurial path. Ideal gift for any one needing a little extra inspiration, with some unique wisdoms for the creative, entrepreneur, businessman, start-up venture, manager and new employee.  “High Spirits!” is available on Amazon in several formats.

“Thoughts, Illustrations and Poems of Love” (sometimes referred to as “Through the Artist’s Eyes”) is the first book in the Artimagination® Inspiration Books series. As the title suggests, this book is all about … LOVE. You can find this fun and romantic read on the Kindle.

“Tempo-The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist”™ is the second book in the Artimagination® Inspiration Books series (and it is now in its 2d Edition, with a few new artworks and poems).   I am very proud of Tempo-The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” because it was a true labor of love – I hope you find it to be a unique book that is a both heartfelt and inspirational, and that you enjoy this selection of my art, poetry and philosophy. Below are various excerpts from M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist”™.     I hope you enjoy each excerpt, and would love to hear your thoughts!

Purchase on Amazon

Following is an engaging excerpt regarding politics from M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” – this should make you smile!

Voting Booth


Humans up to their tricks
So rightfully pretending
Public service never ending
Ethics unbending
All problems mending

These are foes of monetary might
waging an ad laden fight
with clever slogans to delight
and red, white and blue colors always in sight
Each has supporters who avow this candidate is right
The media’s twirling spin adds dizzying flight
to a fanciful murky blend of fact, opinion and insight

The voters hopefully will select their candidate with care
and not in too many false promises be ensnared
Each ballot being cast
is by an individual among the vast

But even among the voting throng
Is one common theme to which all seem to belong
A hope that from all this debate comes a vision we can share
of better tomorrows
an end to the world’s sorrows
and a prayer, belied by our experience
that yet

Once elected they shan’t forget
All the problems they set
out to fix
In this odd quest
of debate and jest
underhandedly above board zest
all at Democracy’s behest

Voting Booth artwork by M. Nicole van Dam

To purchase “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” please visit Amazon

Following is another excerpt from M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” – this one on dieting – we hope this makes you smile!

Tea Time

On Dieting

Oh the endless craves
How I strive for caloric free days
And when I fail, to not so enjoy the tasty error of my ways
Is anyone truly naturally thin
Able to eat whatever they desire and when?

I hate to diet
I miss my butter
I miss my bread
Must I do this til I am dead?

I want melted decadent choc’late chips
Sumptuously slipping between yearning lips
But somehow never cushioning waist or hips

I want brownies, ice cream and cake
I want guiltless crepes when I wake
I want tea and muffins
Rich sauces and cozy stews
Pizza, pastries and pasta
All without an extra pound to rue

I want the workout without the sweat
The calories burned without the go out and get
I want to be fit and trim
Able to fulfill every edible whim

It’s undeniable, it’s true
I’m a ravenous hypocrite through and through
So for now, while horrifically healthy food will have to do
I shall relish sinful savory sweet dreams while I chew.

Tea Time artwork by M. Nicole van Dam

To purchase “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” please visit Amazon

The following excerpt from M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” is a poem and artwork, created separately, that combine to create a powerful statement about our impact on our envirnoment. The “Yellow Light” painting depicts the tension between our everyday needs and the needs of nature around us, as it strives to fit within the world we allow them (symbolized by the bird nesting in the yellow light, the “proceed with caution” avatar). The poem serves to create more awareness of our choices and our responsiblities. Both works are paired together in M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” – please forward a link to this page to share the green thinking!

Yellow Light

Flying Green

It is time to be green
Toss the toxic benzene
Past is oil’s hour
We don’t need crude, sweet or sour
Make way for solar power
Or if not by sun, then by wind or grain
Let’s explore renewable terrain

It’s time to nurture nature
Call it by any nomenclature
We need to wake up now
Save the earth in Earth somehow

Each of us must do our part
When would be a better time to start?
Recycle, be open-minded, try new things
Let your creativity soar on green wings
There are vast open windows to explore
Once we decide to close petrol’s door.

Yellow Light artwork by M. Nicole van Dam

To purchase “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” please visit Amazon

As an animal lover, M. Nicole van Dam has struggled with the concept of how we treat our foodstock – even the word “foodstock” makes these creatures anonymous. Hence, the following poem, “Anonymous but not Disregarded,” in hopes that perhaps people will be reminded that we often forget what we had for dinner or lunch a few days ago, despite the unspeakable horror of the animals that provide this easily forgotten meal. This work was taken from M. Nicole van Dam’s book, “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” – please share a link to this page in hopes it might spread awareness!

Chef at the Farmer's Market

Anonymous but not Disregarded

Did you ever measure how many things must die
So that you, only you, must live each day?
I tried to once, and found with dismay
That I didn’t think my little life was worth so many others
So while sadly I cannot live and make my life death-causing free,
And while ever so much wish nothing had to die for me,
At least, if I have my druthers,
I can save some of my animal brothers

That piled-high seafood salad I used to eat
Must’ve cost a hundred lives just to give me a treat
And the veal who began as a baby calf tethered, not allowed to roam
Suffered so that I could have an easily forgotten dinner cozily in my home
And what of the cows whose feet never touch grass,
Stuffed in pens, “living” life in one miserable unloved mass,
or chickens jailed in tight cages
How many of those did I so thoughtlessly eat through the ages?

I truly believe that if our food in our stores was properly labeled
“Dead Cow who Suffered for You,” we would not be so enabled
To ignore their plight
And we just might
Become aware
Of how many things die for us as we laze in our dining chair

Think of how our meat comes tidily hermetically sealed
It looks nothing like anything once alive whose wounds now cannot be healed
Would you really be able to buy it if you had to see eye to eye
The brown-eyed critter that once was alive?
Could you pull the trigger that led them from farm to table
Wouldn’t you be more able
To eat a little extra green
Just so as not to enter that murderous dream
Of that blood and slaughter end to an inhumane life,
Wouldn’t you skip a few animal meals to limit that strife?
If you were really truly aware
Wouldn’t you care?

I know they say, “But the cows wouldn’t be alive except for me to eat”
But once anything is alive, don’t we owe it our best to treat
It with respect, just because it shares the earth with us
Isn’t that, as the planet’s keeper, our sacred trust?

Just because we helped nature an extra cow to breed
Does that mean we have the right to murder it, for food or greed?
And yes, I do believe there are those that must eat meat, but every day?
Must the majority of us live that way?

I wish too, that with the animals it began and ended,
But that’s not all in our world we have not yet befriended
Think about how many trees die and how we our forests demean
Just to keep us warm, housed, written, and clean

For the table upon which I eat
For the boxes in which I buy the shoes on my feet
The paper that wraps the presents I give
Must all these trees die, for me to live?

Then there are toxic puddles, clouds and radiated pollution
It’s overwhelming, I know not the solution
Except to be aware
To act in a way that shows I care
To minimize the harm I do
And to share what I see with you

I ask myself every day to think
Of how many lives I consume in a thoughtless blink
I know nature and animals still suffer for me every day
I wear leather shoes, drive a car, read and write paper books, aid in the world’s
And heaven help me if veggies have feelings too
I don’t know what I’d do
But for now, it is my hope by cutting back if only a little
It is a first step in starting to whittle
the harm I cause, the deaths my needs create,
Hoping with these small changes I spare an anonymous life a dire fate.

Chef at the Farmer’s Market artwork by M. Nicole van Dam
To purchase “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” please visit Amazon

In 2017, I was asked to read two of my works for television broadcast – very fun indeed! Of course I wore my “Dance of the Fall” Leaves kaftan based on my “Dance of the Fall” Leaves artwork. Here is the first of the two to be broadcast – my poem “Life is Like Knitting.” I chose two of my works that had a knitting reference to tickle my Mother’s sense of humor. Following is the video of the reading, and below the video I have put the poem itself.

As background on the poem itself, I had written about knitting, and life, some years ago, when I was starting anew before I met my wonderful husband. Knitting was a lovely part of my relationship with my Mother and also with my wonderful Aunt Barbara and her daughters Rika and Claire. The poem is apropos of so many of life’s changes and decisions:

Life is Like Knitting

Life is like knitting
Sometimes each stitch falls easily into place
Each row upon row flowing with grace
And then, a mistake, not easy to erase

A choice must be had
Do we go ahead flawed, looking a bit bad
Or do we unravel and then
Begin, begin, begin again?

With each new start
The old design deliberately picked apart
Carefully the yarn from the needle unfurls
Undoing all the knits and pearls
Cautious not to harm
The tender texture of the yarn

This life’s thread must be used to stitch again
In our universal pattern of row upon row, til time’s end
There is no shame in each start anew
No matter how many restarts or how few

The rows undone
In the redoing are part of life’s fun
The lessons learned along each knitted way
Can be used another day
To last, to warm our souls a little longer
Making our life’s knitting that much stronger.

(c) 2006 M. Nicole van Dam. All Rights Reserved.

It was quite a thrill to also perform my short story “Nessie” for television – it aired 5 times in 2017. In this short story, I had fun weaving traditional, modern and futuristic themes together, and I think the audience enjoyed the surprises along the way. Very fun memory! I was wearing a kaftan with my “Dance of the Fall Leaves” artwork on it 🙂

“Nessie” (c) 2017 M. Nicole van Dam. All Rights Reserved.

The books you buy on Amazon are not signed personally by Nicole, but instead are shipped directly to you by the seller (not Nicole).

From Nicole:

I’m always happy to sign books for you!  If you would like for me to sign books (and write a personal note to someone), I’ll be happy to do that, please contact me for details.  The process entails your shipping your book(s) to me, in a box with the following things: (1) a legible note to me giving me the name(s) you want on the books and something about each person (helps me write the personal notes); and (2) everything I will need to ship the book back to you (i.e., postage pre-paid packaging addressed to you).   Please make sure you give me enough time!  Especially in the holiday season!

Voting Booth, Tea Time, Yellow Light and Chef at the Farmer’s Market artworks each respectively by and TM & (c) 2005 – 2011 M. Nicole van Dam. All Rights Reserved.

To purchase “Tempo – The Rhythm and Rhyme of the Artist” please visit Amazon

TM and (c) 2005-2011 M. Nicole van Dam. All Rights Reserved.

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