Why Can’t Raccoons Love Zuccini more than Corn?

Horror of horrors – all those lovely ears of corn I was so anxiously waiting for – ears that had succombed to a gopher last year, have now been COMPLETELY ravaged by a raccoon!  The little brute (adorable but a heinous CORNivorous villain nonetheless) literally peeled off the outside of every ear and nibbled out each little kernel!  Truth is, I wouldn’t have minded if at least I had had a ringside seat!

On the bright side (grumble), I do now have a set of four plastic corn holders for eating fresh corn out of the garden, should such a miraculous feat ever occur.  Next year I suppose…. I wonder if one can grow corn indoors?  -Or if it’s too late in the season to replant corn this year still?

While the Raccoon Bandit stole every ear of corn, he neatly sidestepped every humongous zuccini begging for the raccoon to sample them.  In fact, it appears the raccoon stood on top of the zuccini to reach the highest ears of corn.  These zuccinis, approaching watermelon size, are overtaking my garden, and I do feel that at least I should be able to require the Raccoon Bandit to steal one zuccini for every ear of corn.   In the meantime, my husband has grown accustomed to zuccini bread, zuccini boats, zuccini omelettes, zuccini surprise, and tonight…..zuccini parmesan 🙂

Here is a photo of today’s lovely harvest.  That citrus you see, that is so dwarfed by the zuccini it rests upon, is actually a grapefruit!

Also in the harvest, beside the world’s largest zuccinis, are tomatoes, rosemary, basil, sugar snaps and strawberries.
I thought I would share how lovely an artichoke is when you don’t pick it, and let it go to blossom instead – look at that amazing blue color:
-And I thought this photo was so fun – my 10 pound tiger hunting big game:
Many happy little beginnings in the garden too – peppers on the pepper plants, lots of heirloom tomatoes starting, possibly even a kiwi starting on  the kiwi plants!
Possible bud on the kiwi plant (above)
The promise of tantalizing heirloom tomatoes, below (Raccoon Bandit, Stay Away!):
Grapes on the grapevine (above) and The Basil Forest (fantastic basil plants from Seeds of Italy, below):
These mystery plants continue to produce the most wonderful fruits.  If I pick them before they turn a soft shade of peachy cream, they are the BEST cucumbers ever.  If I let them go all the way to that peachy cream color on the outside, they are amazingly juicy sweet fruits.  I have no idea what they are, but they are GREAT.  The Raccoon Bandit loves them too (such a testimonial, he has good taste!):
-And a little photographic update on the lovely apples on the apple tree:
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