I am excited about learning something new – KNITTING MACHINES!

My sweet Aunt gave me a whole room full of knitting machine equipment – I’m not sure where to start! I have visions of beautifully knit scarves, sweaters, and wall hangings, but something tells me I have a waaaay to go before anything great is produced. Nonetheless, for all my projects it is the finished result, glowing in rose-colored-glasses perfection – that keeps me motivated, and as I write this it occurs to me that envisioning the “finish line” might be what always keeps me motivated. Does that imply that I might not be enjoying the journey enough? Hmmmm! In any event, right now our spare room is full of knit machine goodies, now to noodle out how all this stuff works! Luckily my Aunt also gave me the name of a nice woman who knows this stuff, Ruth, and I am looking forward to hopefully hiring her to teach me. Stay tuned!

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